API Reference

The Email Intelligence endpoint is a tool used to validate and verify email addresses. It uses a series of checks and algorithms to determine the validity of an email address and assesses the risk associated with it.

The endpoint can provide information such as whether the email address is deliverable, whether it is a known spam address, whether it is associated with fraudulent activity, and more.

This tool is essential for companies looking to ensure the accuracy and quality of their email lists and protect themselves from potential scams and fraudulent activities.

Data Collection:

The following data points are collected during user onboarding:

  • Email Address (mandatory)

Response Attributes

AttributeDescriptionResponse TypeMeaning
emailThe email address being screened.StringThe complete email address (e.g., olakay@gmail.com).
reputationThe overall risk assessment of the email address.StringThis could be a score (e.g., low, medium, high) or a descriptive term indicating the overall risk level.
suspiciousWhether the email address is flagged as potentially risky.Boolean (True/False)True indicates the email might be associated with suspicious activity. False indicates no red flags were found.
referencesThe number of times the email address has been encountered in the screening system's data.IntegerA higher number of references might indicate a more established email address.
blacklistedWhether the email address is on a known blacklist of malicious actors.Boolean (True/False)True indicates the email is blacklisted. False indicates it's not on a blacklist.
malicious_activityWhether the email address has been linked to malicious activity in the pastBoolean (True/False)True indicates the email has been associated with malicious activity. False indicates no evidence of malicious activity was found.
malicious_activity_recentWhether the email address has been linked to recent malicious activity.Boolean (True/False)True indicates the email has been associated with recent malicious activity. False indicates no recent malicious activity was found.
credentials_leakedWhether the email address has been exposed in a data breach.Boolean (True/False)True indicates the email was potentially compromised in a data breach. False indicates no evidence of exposure was found.
credentials_leaked_recentWhether the email address has been involved in any data breach.Boolean (True/False)True indicates the email might have been involved in a data breach (may not be recent). False indicates no evidence of involvement in a data breach.
first_seenThe first date the email address was encountered in the screening system.DateThe date the email address was first seen during screening processes.
last_seenThe last date the email address was encountered in the screening system.DateThe most recent date the email address was seen during screening processes.
domain_existsWhether the domain associated with the email address (e.g., gmail.com for programmerolakay@gmail.com) is a registered domain.Boolean (True/False)True indicates the domain exists. False indicates the domain might not be a valid domain.
domain_reputationThe overall risk assessment of the domain associated with the email address.StringSimilar to the email reputation, this could be a score or a descriptive term indicating the domain's risk level.
new_domainWhether the domain associated with the email address is a recently registered domain.Boolean (True/False)True indicates the domain is newly registered. False indicates the domain has been around for a while.
days_since_domain_creationThe number of days since the domain associated with the email address was registered.IntegerThis value can be used to assess the legitimacy of the domain. Newer domains might be more susceptible to misuse.
suspicious_tldWhether the top-level domain (TLD) associated with the email address (e.g., .com, .org) is considered suspicious.Boolean (True/False)True indicates the TLD is often used for spam or malicious purposes. False indicates the TLD is commonly used for legitimate purposes.
spamWhether the email address is flagged as likely to be used for sending spam.Boolean (True/False)True indicates the email might be used for sending spam. False indicates it's less likely to be used for spam.
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